4317 Sponge Refill



Sponge Refill

  • Payment Methods: Payment is available through Cash on Delivery (COD) only.

  • Warranty: We strive to ensure the highest quality in our products; however, we currently do not offer any warranty. Rest assured, our team is always here to assist with any concerns or inquiries you may have.

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A sponge refill is a replacement sponge head for a sponge mop that uses a sponge for cleaning. Sponge refills are typically made from a synthetic material that is designed to absorb and hold water, as well as lift and remove dirt and grime from hard flooring surfaces.
When a sponge head becomes worn or damaged, it can be replaced with a new sponge refill. This can help to ensure that the cleaning tool continues to work effectively and efficiently, while also preventing the buildup of bacteria and mold that can occur on a dirty or worn sponge.

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