3M PELTOR G3000CUV-GU Safety Helmet with Uvicator Sensor



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  • Warranty: We strive to ensure the highest quality in our products; however, we currently do not offer any warranty. Rest assured, our team is always here to assist with any concerns or inquiries you may have.

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Product Feature:
The 3M Safety Helmet G3000 has been designed in close collaboration with forestry and industrial workers. It is intended for use in harsh environments with tough demands for effective protection, excellent ventilation and a maximum field of vision
PELTOR Uvicator sensor disc tells you when your safety helmet has been over exposed to UV- radiation and it’s time to replace it
Lining can be rotated to allow the helmet to be worn back to front when working in tight spaces
Softly rounded design, which helps to avoid helmet parts snagging on branches

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