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Warranty: We strive to ensure the highest quality in our products; however, we currently do not offer any warranty. Rest assured, our team is always here to assist with any concerns or inquiries you may have.
10kg Trolley Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguisher
Capacity(litres) 10 kg
Style Single
Extinguishant Carbon Dioxide (CO²)
Operating Head CE Marked Brass Screw Down Valve with Safety Relief Valve
Cylinder Thread 1″ BS 341
Discharge Hose High Pressure Hose
Internal Diameter x Length 9.5mm x 6 m*
Discharge Horn Plastic with On/Off Valve
Cylinder Specification EN1964 Part 1 TPED
Diameter (mm) 156
Nominal Height(mm) 615
Frame Work Steel Pipe / Flat Bar
Overall Height(mm) 1065
Width(mm) 465
Depth(mm) 860
Approx. Empty Weight (kg) 33
Approx. Full Weight (kg) 43
Cylinder / Frame Finish RAL 3000 Flame Red Polyester Powder Coating
Wheel Diameter 300 mm
Working Temp. Range -20°C to + 60°C
Working Pressure(20°C) 56 Bar
Cylinder Test Pressure 250 Bar
Approx. Discharge Time (sec) 53
Approx. Discharge Range (m) 4
Fire Rating / Class 70B C
Manufactured & Certified to BS EN 1866 : 2007